It saddens me to share the news that we lost Murphy after his short, aggressive battle with lymphangiosarcoma. When we brought him in for his 3rd chemo treatment, Kyle pointed out to the oncologist a small sore we had noticed on his amputation incision line. They did a needle biopsy as well as a CT to check the progress of his pelvic lymph node mets. It came back positive. Unfortunately there wasn’t much else to offer. We decided that we would make his final days fun. He walked every day up at the park, ate treats, chewed up new toys and, yes Sally, had not one but two McDonald’s cheeseburgers. On his last day he woke up after a great nights sleep, slipped him a little extra pain meds, ate a breakfast of chicken and rice and headed up to the park for a final walk. The vet came to our house. He was a wonderful palliative care vet and Murphy had a peaceful, warm exit.
Many thanks to all the wonderful people we met on this site. We hope to support other people on this site in the future!
Val and Kyle
Oh you guys, our hearts are heavy and sad knowing that he got his wings. You all fought soooo hard. That cancer did NOT behave at all and it just hurts knowing that you all went through this.
Murphy was such a sweet boy, and all of us were touched by his valiant battle against the disease. We are honored that you included us in your life with him, he has touched all of us deeply.
All I can say is that you gave him the life a dog dreams about, until his last breath. You never gave up and when you knew it was in his best interest to set him free, you courageously put aside your own grief so he could have the peaceful transition you gave him. No animal could ever ask for more. Thank you.
From all of us, we send our deepest condolences. Murphy’s story will forever be a part of this community, and our love for him will never, ever fade.
Thanks Jerry
I’m so sorry to read this. He’s so adorable.
This disease is so unfair. He deserved better than what that disease gave him, but you more than made up for it with the life you gave him. It sounds like, as tough as it had to be, he had as great a sendoff as possible.
Yes cancer does suck across the board. Thanks for you kind words. He had a beautiful peaceful send off. He so deserved that after all ha had been through.
Lots odntears, lots of tears falling over here.
We fall in Love with all our dogs and kitties who we meet jere. And then there are some like Murphy who just another level of love in our hearts. Tjey hold an extra special spot. Yeah, Murphy, sweet, smiling, happy Murphy is one of those
And you gave him a send off dogs dream avout as he headed happy and healthy to the Bridge!
I want to come back. I’m having connection issues. Just needed to big hug asap and to let you know how much Murphy matters to us. I’ll write more in a bit.
Love and light
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too
Aww thanks for your wonderful comments. It’s nice to hear that our Murphy touched people’s lives!